5th Annual PDJF Telethon Scheduled Apr. 23 – Thoroughbred Daily News Thoroughbred Daily News Hall of Fame riders Sandy Hawley, Chris McCarron, Mike Smith and John Velazquez, among many others, will team with FanDuel TV, the New York Racing
5th Annual PDJF Telethon Scheduled Apr. 23 - Thoroughbred Daily News <www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.thoroughbreddailynews.com/5th-annual-pdjf-telethon-scheduled-apr-23/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoUMTYxNDMxMDcxNDg2Mzg1MTc3ODMyGTEzMzcxNDQ5N2NhYmRlM2M6Y2E6ZW46Q0E&u...> Thoroughbred Daily News Hall of Fame riders *Sandy Hawley*, Chris McCarron, Mike Smith and John Velazquez, among many others, will team with FanDuel TV, the New York Racing